Berserk Wiki

The Apostle Spawns are humans who have been transformed by an Apostle with their demonic powers, normally surviving as a familiar to the one who sired it.


List of Apostle Spawns

Count's Spawns

Count transformed Zondark by transferring a part of himself into his servant so he can seek his revenge while his body is gradually absorbed by the slug. Because the slug is an extension of the Count, he can see and speak through the offshoot even after the host's head is destoryed.

Rosine's Spawns

While Rosine normally transforms children into her vision of what elves look like, she can also turn adult men into giant insect-based creatures to guard her domain from intruders.

Egg's Spawns

Egg-Shaped Apostle has to ability to create a Spawn with just a injection of demonic power through his tentacles. As a weak Apostle, he creates physically powerful Spawns whose forms reflect their religious identities such as a major heretic becomes a goat-headed satyr while Mozgus and his disciples become angelic in form.

Ganishka's spawns

After transcending his humanity a second time, the giant monster Ganishika became unintentionally crushed most of his army under his feet. The corpses mutate into monstrous head-like tentacle creatures that all resemble Ganishka's head. These monsters devoured the remaining survivors of the Kushan invasion army before they attack the Neo Band of the Hawk until the World Transformation began and they ceased to be.

