Berserk Wiki

Lady Vandimion is mother to Farnese, Magnifico, Politiano, Georgio and also wife of Federico de Vandimion III.


She is a seemingly middle-aged woman who carries herself with dignity at all times. She wears expensive clothing and jewelry. She wears a fontange on her head. Lady Vandimion has blonde hair, and it appears that Farnese inherited most of her facial features from her. She seems tall and slender.


She is perhaps the most understanding among the Vandimions. She was fairly absent during Farnese's childhood, spending most of her time in balls and parties. However, she is shown to be quite wise and caring, giving Farnese words of advice about what path she should take in life. She even says that, despite being absent in Farnese's, life she is proud of having her as a daughter. Lady Vandimion appears to be attracted to young, handsome men.


Millennium Falcon Arc


  • She is the only Vandimion who is unnamed.
  • She is the only mother of one of Gut's party to have a speaking role and whose face is shown.

